500th post!
“41 today and to mark the occasion I have started this blog. The idea is to post a picture a day up to my 42nd birthday. For me this is quite a commitment. I hope this will stimulate my photography and keep me off the streets.” So started this blog around 2 ½ years ago and now here I am writing the 500th post. I started the blog to mark an important year for me, a way of making the year stand out in my memory, it turned in to a life changing event, something I never envisaged when I started it. To understand what happened you need to known a bit about the old Brett pre the blog. I was always a photographer, from the moment I picked up my first camera I was hooked, it just took a few years to realise it and to learn to use my skills properly. Going to night school to do a photography course tipped the balance and set me on the road I’m on now, since then I have always thought of my self as a photographer. Other than the photography my life was pretty normal, I was (and still am) very h...