
Showing posts from December, 2011

Happy Christmas

Well I know it's not the big day yet, at least here in England, but as this is read world wide I thought I would post this today just to catch everyone. So Happy Christmas and also have a great New Year I hope it brings all you are looking for. ---------------- Now playing: No Doubt - Sunday Morning via FoxyTunes

Enforce absence

Here is a cautionary tail for all bloggers. I was checking my sites stats when I notice that a lot of people had been referred from a web site that I did not known. Out of curiosity I clicked on the link only to find that the only thing on the page was a video. As I tried to leave the page my virus alarm went off and pop ups started to appear asking for permission to change things on my computer. Before I knew it my computer and my website were both infected and it has taken nearly 2 weeks to sort the mess out. I'm still not sure if it is all totally fixed, only time will tell. Please check your virus protection is up to date, mine was not (it is now!)and don't click on links in your stats unless you are sure they are safe. ---------------- Now playing: Fugees - The Score via FoxyTunes