You known how it is, you’ve loads to do and not much time, but with a little luck and a bit of careful planning and you can fit it all in and than someone makes you BLOG OF NOTE!!!!!! WOW, Arghhhhhhhhhh!. From around 25 readers to 3451 by the end of the day, and what a post to have on the blog, I nearly did not write it, it was very personal and maybe too private to share, but I known that there are others, like me, out there and thought that if it just helped one person it made the risk worth while, well its shared now. Now this is pressure, writing knowing that lots of people will read this, do I make a grand statement, do I get stage fright and dry up, no I’ll just babble on as I always do, it’s worked so far. First, Blog of note people, thank you, this really means a lot to me, I’ve read most of the blogs of notes since I started blogging and feel stunned to be in their company. Next, if you’re reading this blog for the first time, welcome, make your self at home, there’s ...
Climate change, I have to admit that I’m very skeptical about the existence of climate change and the whole global warming thing. My basis for this is that we (humans) have only been here for such a short time and for a large period of that were not really in a position to judge what was happening around us. An even smaller period of time is the length of time we have been able to accurately measure things like temperature or the size of the ice caps, so to be able to say that things are changing outside of the norm, when we really have no idea what the norm is, is like seeing a snow flake and predicting the start of an ice age. Now I known that lots of very important people seem to have been convinced that there is a problem but remember past world leaders and experts also had some strange ideas (flat earth, virgin birth, communist ruling the plant, woman’s heads over heating if they learn too much). Are they right or are they wrong, I really do not know, I personally think that we do...
It's been a few months and lots has happened, firstly Caz is doing very well, the first part of the treatment, the operation, went very well and she has made a great recovery, the next part, radiotherapy starts soon and should not take long then its just tablets for 10 years. I had the misfortune to catch Covid in the run up to Christmas, the main illness was just like a bad hangover, but the lingering effects are taking a toll of me, with a shortness of breath and lack of energy. We did manage to get away just after Christmas to Cornwall, see the picture above. The reason I am blogging today is that I have just done a video for next months calendar page/photo, and had to look at the first blog post, it then got me all nostalgic. I really miss those days, there was a community of like minded souls, and I forgot how much I miss them. It's been over 10 years since I did this on a regular basics, and that group of people have for the most part done what I have done and drifted aw...