Green shoots

The exhibition is up and running thank you all for your good wishes i really appreciated them, for those of you that can not make it to Leek I’ve put the images on a slideshow, just to the right of this post.

A while ago I had a feature on here called blog of the week, where I tried to highlight great blogs I had found, but with my lack of blogging time I found it very hard to read the old blogs let alone find new ones, so I have to leave finding great blogs up to others.

Well here is a blog I found by way of Aka Polergirl, its called Green shoots and like most of the better blogs is written by a woman (probably because they have more time on their hands). The blog records the writer’s journey from where she is to where she wants to be, sharing not only her personal feelings but also any practical help she has picked up along the way in the form of links to web sites or reviews of good books.

Having been a Blogger for some years I known how hard it is to post and post for those first few months, getting hardly any visitors or comments while word of your blog slowly spreads, we have all been there, so if you find the time pop over and give Green shoots a visit, I certainly will be a regular there, as when it comes to self development there is just too much crap on line so finding someone who can highlight some of the good stuff will save me loads of time and like all the best blogs it has a story that is still in the writing.

By the way it was a joke about women having too much time on their hands!

Picture today is an old one I had it sitting in my possible’s folder since December 08
I kept looking at it and never knew if it was a good image or just in my head, so I will let you decide.

Now playing: Simple Minds - Don't You
via FoxyTunes


Thank you for the excellent write up about my blog. You are right it is difficult to get that initial interest, I just hope I can do your recommendation justice.

Great photo - it has a composition that is somewhat different to the norm
aims said…
It's a great image Brett! I love looking at birds doing just that!

I'm off to read your recommendation.

I did pause for one tiny little second and felt my shoulders raising in self defense - and then I thought - Oh that Brett! He's having us on!

Good one!
Anonymous said…
HI BRETT - I think the photo's fab! A great grab shot. Sorry I've not posted lately - time, where does it go? Looking forward to a very relaxing catch-up, some good yarns, a couple of glasses of something nice and red, and some quality time. Hope the exhibition is going well.
I really liked that picture

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