Blog of the week - Writing to reach you

Another girly blog of the week this week and about all it has in common with last weeks is that it is very well written, which is very appt as it is called Writing to reach you.

This blog is the ramblings of an American grad student living in southern California, its intelligent, funny and never afraid to try something new, check out the video blog done over a week, it gives an insight into a different way of life far removed from my own, one of the reasons I love reading other peoples blogs.

Had a great weekend mostly down to the fact we had friends staying and on Saturday went for a 13 mile bike ride, only the second ride of the year, and I’m now feeling the results as I stand here writing this. I have just been to my osteopath who has given me a clean bill of health, as long as I keep up the exercises and won’t need to see me for 6 months.

Picture today is of the main bridge at Chatsworth house.

Now playing: Travis - Writing To Reach You
via FoxyTunes


Anonymous said…
And what a lovely weekend we had too, Brett! Thanks for looking after us (fab pancakes!) and hope to see you again soon!

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