This could have the sub title of "The exciting life of a professional photographer". What a start to a month, lots of work coming in and a number of great photo shoot, then I go and do my neck in!
Wednesday last week saw me being unable to move for most of the day and at points almost passing out with the pain. Just the right moment to take a call from a new customer and discuss an up coming job, how I managed the call I will never know, probably 13 years of call centre training coming in to play (time not wasted then).
Lucky for me I have a great Osteopath and by Friday was almost fit for work and after a rest full week end, watching Caz cut the lawn, I started my latest job yesterday.
The job in question is photographing items for a web site, something I've done loads of, but as with each job it posies new challenges, the biggest with this one matching the previous photographers style and technique so the site keeps its overall great look. The items in question a...