Dusk till Dawn
Dusk till Dawn is the name of my latest exhibition displayed in the Foxlowe, The Market Place, Leek from the 1st of May to the 31st May 2012. The free exhibition, “Dusk till Dawn” is exploration of photography when the sun has gone down. Pho•tog•ra•phy \fə-ˈtä-grə-fē\ The process or art of producing images of objects on sensitized surfaces by the action of light. Night \ˈnīt\ The time from dusk to dawn when no sunlight is visible. Dusk till Dawn \ˈdəsk til dän\ A collection of 12 images captured between sunset and sunrise. The idea for the exhibition came to me as the nights started to draw in last September. My days were taken up with running a full time photography business and daylight hours were reducing, giving me less time to take photographs. A chance comment on a photography forum about the joys of night time photography, coming right at the moment that I was complaining about the lack of daylight, lead me to flip the situation and see the winter as ...