Robert De Niro's Waiting

My not so little brother was 40 over the weekend, so Saturday night saw us out on the town for the first time in a long time, and what a great night it was too. We finished up in the Valiant, a pub I had not been in for years, singing along to the hits of Bananarama with the rest of the pubs customers, which was a bit surreal as they were a mix of leather clad bikers, Goths and a few that looked like computer geeks! All singing along to “Robert De Niros Waiting” drunk at around 12:30, what a great night.

Sunday was a quite one as I had a bit of a hangover, a quick walk and then watched the GP.

Now I’m trying to get some motivation to try some light house work or even some gardening, but before I sign off here is a link to a site that has 3 of the funniest videos I have seen for a long time, all are reworking of classic tracks and if you are a music fan especially the 80s you will love this. Let me know what you think.
Photo today is a close up of the door to Wetton church, the full church will be on the Leek daily photo blog tomorrow

Now playing: Bananarama - Robert De Niro's Waiting
via FoxyTunes


Suburbia said…
Amazing doors. Haven't looked at the vids yet, how's the hangover now?!
Suburbia said…
Been there now! Billy Idol one is very funny! Thanks
aims said…
That's quite the door Brett. Bet you don't want it slamming when you have a hangover.
Wow, that photo of the doors is wonderful

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