Pete's yard
This was once a communal yard for 9 or 10 houses, a safe wide open space where kids could play without any worry. The homes of 3 families with children we knew backed on to this and during the long summer holidays we could always be found hanging around here. But that’s not the reason the photo is here, for me this place hold a memory that few know, if any. One day I was just about to start a gym class, in my first year in high school, when I was call out to go to the school office, relief (no gym class) was followed by fear (what have I done) was followed by shock ( What’s happened) as I was taken home. At home in a darken room I had the news broken to me that my dad had died. After what seemed a long time but was probably only an hour I was able to get out and tried to find some quiet place to get my head around what had happened. This was the place, I lay on top of the wall, the one that you can just see in the center back ground, and cried, and after a while I stopped and listened to life going on all around me as if nothing had changed.
Now playing: U2 - "40"
via FoxyTunes
And you have a special way to tell stories. Bravo!
To cry it is to born again .