Do it.

Have you ever put something off, that you really should have done, I have, getting assessed for dyslexia. Nearly my whole life I have had problems spelling, and have done every thing to avoid getting tested, why, because I was scared that I would not have it and be told I was just thick or lazy.

Well yesterday I got tested, and the results surprised me. First I was informed that my reading ability was good to high, next I was informed that I have an IQ of over 120 (140 and over Genius or near genius 120-140 Very superior intelligence 110-120 Superior intelligence 90-110 Normal or average intelligence 80-90 Dullness 70-80 Borderline deficiency Below 70 Definite feeble-mindedness 70-80 Borderline deficiency 50-69 Moron 20-49 Imbecile below 20 Idiot.) They have changed the lower classification for a more PC wording but this is the original.

Lastly I was informed that I am Dyslexic and my writing and spelling were well below what my intelligence suggested (that why it takes me forever to write this blog). What it means to me is that I now know I’m not thick or lazy (well at least regarding learning to spell) and I can restructure my life to compensate, using the proof to help me feel less afraid and embarrassed to ask for help and support. Today is the start of a whole new life, or so it seems at the moment.

I have just entered a photo competition on the Thinkcamera web site, any votes would be very welcome, just follow the link.
The last of the Owl photos, such a wise old bird

Now playing: Alanis Morissette - You Oughta Know
via FoxyTunes


Lola said…
I'm so glad that you feel so positive about your dyslexia diagnosis! There's loads of support out there, so just go for it.

It must have been quite a big step to decide on writing a blog post every day for a year...
Well maybe writing the blog is helping for you to combat the problems that you have with your now-diagnosed dyslexia. I've never found any spelling mistakes on any of your posts (oh, apart from yesterday, but now I feel guilty for pointing that out - sorry!)

An IQ of 120? That's amazing - it's been ages since I was tested. I was over 100 so I wasn't average but then you'd never know it sometimes by the way I go on.

You're doing so well. Keep it up love.

Blog User said…
the stress you felt was understandable. my boyfriend is very smart but he has difficulty spelling and pronouncing certain words. but he scored on the top 5% of a national science exam, and he's pretty good with math as well. but the one that that he excels in is this seemingly spontaneous insights he comes up with about people's behavior, experiences, and what not. So, this is why i think he's very smart but could possibly be suffering from the same thing you are.
intelligence is so much more than being able to spell words correctly. i think, really, it is the ability to understand and apply the things we understand on the appropriate situations. take care.
Debra said…
Keep the postive attitude up on your dyslexia diagnosis!!

You take beautiful photos...
Haig said…
I love birds. Your photos are great. I'm not so familiar with identifying owls, but a good place to start is at Keep up the good work.
Ashley Kay said…
Yes I've put things off but I recently decided to get rid of that habit! And that picture is awesome btw.

Ashley Kay
Anonymous said…
Cool blog:)
I love the owl photo, it would make a great subject to draw
ness said…
Thumbs up to you!!
Blogging is a good way I think of overcoming this dyslexia. And your photos are superb. Keep on going, man!
Congrats on making it to the "Blogs of Note" page, that's awesome!

Further congrats on getting tested and seeking resources for dyslexia. I'm dyslexic too - but for me its related to numbers, I have to be careful when working with them.

Love the owl photo, its beautiful!
Anonymous said…
Hi Brett,

Take heart, dyslexia is not a handicap or a disease. It's just the way the brain perceives what it sees.

Dyslexics are more often than not, visual, multi-dimensional thinkers, rather intuitive and highly creative.

Dyslexics also tend to excel at hands-on learning. They think in pictures, and that is the reason why it is sometimes hard to understand letters, numbers, symbols, and written words.

U can learn to read, write and whatever not if u apply methods geared to your unique learning style.

For the record, the former Prime Minister of Singapore, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, who was a highly intelligent man with super high IQ, is also dyslexic somewhat.

So take it that Dyslexia is realy a gift. I urge u to go find out more about it, i'm sure u will discover many possibilities and talents u may never knew u had!

Anonymous said…
Some of your snaps are real works of art!! Keep up the good work.

As far as dyslexia goes - Einstein had it - didn't really stop him, did it?? ;)
Argh, you're a Blog of Note and your comments have gone THROUGH THE ROOF - normally it's a little mix of me, Babooshka, Lola and occasionally Suburbia (hey I'm the only one that doesn't end in "a") but now you're gonna have tons of traffic!

Please tell me how you've done it!

Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…

a really gd resource for u: Cheers!
...inspiring wealth into your life
Kristi said…
Dyslexics of the world untie!! Just Kidding, I love your blog, visit often. Congrats on being a blog-of-note.
Unknown said…
You have such a cool blog, I love your photography. You really know how to handle your camera, good luck in the competition.

Joseph Smith
Anonymous said…
Great blog, you must be so pleased to be blogger of note and with your recent test results. Your photographs are wonderful, you should feel proud of yourself.
Hi! Greetings from Singapore!

Glad to stumble upon your blog.
Just to encourage you....I used to be dyslexic in Primary School, but a kind teacher took me aside for personal coaching. After overcoming dyslexia in Primary 4, I was so hungry for words that I soon started reading voraciously.

Today, I speak more than 6 languages and write quite well in 3!

Hope you enjoy my blog too!

Cheers! All the best to you!

Choo Choo
EducatedNobody said…
Welcome to the club. Its one of those disorders that no pill will cure. Years of hard work and extra tutoring payed off. I told a college prof once I had it and I would like extra help. He laughed me out of the room. Thank god for spell check!
Alexi Frest said…
Congratulations on deciding to help your problem, I wish you succeed to do your best at it.
I respect the way you try to help yourself - good luck with it!

And your owl photo is awesome.
Sheetal Budhraj said…
Congrats on having made it to the blogs of note! Also the positive energy you exude despite having your problem is inspiring. I did not notice any spelling mistakes whatsoever. Quite liked your blog !
incredible portrait! congrats!
Anonymous said…
wow what large orange eyes, eyes like a cat's, like a predators, very beautiful photo,....
Anonymous said…
You take very nice photos
Anonymous said…
You take beautiful photos
Family Brown. said…
Hi, am also putting off testing for exactly the same reason you had, but it's my offspring who is struggling, glad to share in your creative work, which is inspiring, thanks.
Anonymous said…
Hi, I came to say what mona already beat me to saying. My severely dyslexic cousin is wonderful artist. It means that you see things differently, you think in three dimensions, and I think that's pretty cool. I'm sorry if it has made things difficult for you but maybe it's also why you have the talents you do. No big whoop! We like you just the same!
Tina said…
Where/how did you get this diagnosis? Wondering the same about myself...
Daniel Castro said…
I have recently started reading this blog, and as much as I would love to move to the next blog, I just can't stop reading. It's just fun.

And on the spelling thing, I know a lot of people who can't spell but they're quite intelligent.

It's creepy but cool.
I just post before I think. My IQ says I'm some kind of mad genius. It's a load of crap, apart from the mad part, obviously. Dyslexia is very commonplace, so you are most definitely not alone. I have no defence I admit to just plain laziness, eats shoots and leaves.
If it's any consolation, it could be one your's so creative image wise.
Suburbia said…
You were brave to get tested. Husband has the same prob as well as my 2 kids(it often runs in the family) and had a terrible time at school believing he was 'thick and stupid' and no one bothered to get to the bottom of it.

I think having a diagnosis is a very positive move and a great way to start a fresh knowing (as you did all along underneath) that you are a great and talented person. Spelling and such like is so valued at school that all other talents are overlooked, more's the pitty. Sorry I'm ranting now, but it is a subject very close to my heart.

Enjoy life!


I have also been for a Dyslexia test and it was good, I did not have Dyslexia!

However, it does take me forever to write my blog at times, probably not because of a learning difficulty, but because I tend to procrastinate quite a lot.

I also wanted to add that having Dyslexia does not mean a person is dumb, thick or lazy. I know a few people with Dyslexia and they seem to be quite clever to me. Also, did you know that there are different levels of Dyslexia?
Shani said…
Absolutely stunning picture!

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