Giant sheep attack!

It’s not often that you get this close to a sheep, but this one was intent on trying to lick my lens and that was the least annoying thing that it had on its mind. We had stopped for a bite to eat just above Kinder downfall in the Peak District and no sooner had we opened the lids on our butty boxes when the sheep appear. They, as they always hunt in packs, seem to have an uncanny knack of appearing when you sit down for lunch and they then try their hardest to get at your food. They use a variety of tactics, the decoy being their favoured approach. In this one they send out one sheep (or lamb if there is one to hand) to distract you from the front, while behind you a second is going through the pockets of your rucksack. In the case of this sheep it was using the tactic favoured by armies through out time of taking the high ground, in this case the rocks we were leaning on, then using the high advantage to dominate the area in the hope that we would surrender our butties just to get rid of it. It failed in this attack, but all around us its comrades were getting good results off less seasoned walkers.

I’ve just posted an add-on to lesson 8 on my photography blog this covers the first part of my must have kit list, which I will add to over the coming week. Also on this blog I have been testing out a new set of adverts from Kontera, these are basically highlighted word within the text of the post that relate to links to information on the highlighted item. From what I can make out I get around 5p every time someone follows one of these links, I have also extended it on to this blog, so look out for those highlighted words!

Now playing: The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army (remix by ill nino)
via FoxyTunes


Suburbia said…
Brilliant story! I could see it all, and I always thought they were a bit on the dim side! I was bitten by an Alpacka at the weekend, it had a look in it's eye similar to your sheep!
Lola said…
This guerilla sheep appears to be wearing a balaclava...
Anonymous said…
LOL - I loved your description of how sheep trick people! That was absolutely hilarious.
Anonymous said…
What do you call a group of sheep hiding round the corner ready to attack?

Go on, let me, let me...!!!!!!!

And you're right, Lola - that sheep is indeed wearing a balaclava! Or, more correctly, a baaaalaclava...
Isunia said…
Wonderful picture! (or härligt foto, as I would say :)

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