Star wars

Another weekend of changed plan as my back is still playing up and stopping us going camping, what makes it even worst two of our good friends are sunning themselves on a remote Scottish island, the luck of some people! Still the doctor recommended walking so we have managed to do some of that, I may even have the start of a tan and its only the 4th of May.
The picture is from last weeks visit to our friend’s house, I’ve taken this trees photo before, but it has never made it to the blog, but this time I’m happy with the shot.

May the 4th be with you!

Now playing: Metallica - Star Wars Imperial Marc
via FoxyTunes


Oh, golly...what a stellar shot, Brett! May the "4th" be with you as well - get better soon, okay?
I love Star Wars day. May the fourth be with you too, Brett...
Lisa B said…
great line, hope you are 100% soon.
Martin Rye said…
Hope the back mends and as for the photo...Stunning.
life coach said…
I love Star Wars day too.
Anonymous said…
Hmm, the fourth is strong in you, young one :-) Beautiful picture, Brett. Sometimes it takes a visitor to make you realise the very special things you have on your own doorstep...
Suburbia said…
Hee hee, I get it now (may the 4th be with you!)

Great pic :)

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