Blog of the week - Pixel darkroom photography

No post on Friday last week as I had nothing but negative thought and did not want to bring anyone else down at the start of the week end. Now I have had a few days off I’m all smiles again and getting on with life, two complaint emails sent off to my two most trust on line photo suppliers, results in a few days I hope.

Blog of the week is a new one to me and a fairly new one to the web as well with only 30 posts so far, so a chance to get in at the start before every one else is following him. Pixel Darkroom photography is a 365 day photo blog, just like this one used to be 460 post ago and shows a great range of skill even with so few post already done. The best bit for me, apart from being grateful I am not starting one again, is that he shows how some of the photos were taken, lighting set up and camera positions, great if you want to try the shots yourself. So pop over and have a look, I’ve noticed that he gets very few comments and I well know how much encouragement I got from a few kind words.

Photo to day is a shot of Loch Lomond taken during our week on Scotland, the building is a power station I think.

Now playing: Monty Python - Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life
via FoxyTunes


Suburbia said…
Sorry to hear you were feeling down.
PixelDarkroom said…
Thanks for stopping by and for your encouragements. Yesterday was a tough one, as you saw in my description. Keep it up.
Felix said…
You're still my only incoming link. :) Thanks for the kind words.

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