Blog of the week - Cake Wrecks

Blog of the week is the fantastic Cake Wrecks, when professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong. I stumble across this site weeks ago and just knew it was a must for blog of the week. The site is mainly pictures with some very funny comments added, as it suggest in the title it is mostly very bad cakes but interspaced with some really good ones so you don’t lose heart with the baking world.

Now playing: The Cranberries - Linger
via FoxyTunes


Love this site! I've been perusing it for ages now :)
Cake Wrecks has wrecked my makeup! So funny! Thanks for the suggestion. I love your blog and photography as well; always lurking, rarely commenting. You deserve better.
That took me a FULL MINUTE to realise the picture wasn't a burnt cake. You threw me. D'uh.

Keep up the great work! x

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