I’m crap, I have great difficulty in organising my time, I’m messy, I forget to do things and I get easily distracted. For example, I had an e mail from one of Caz’s friends, I was really touched and determined to reply, that was 6 months ago and I’m still determined to reply! The desks I’m sat at is a mess, it’s covered with notes, photos, computer bits and camera equipment, I have about 3 inches to move the mouse in ( I’ve not seen my electronic pen and tablet in months). I have loads of up grades I have to do on the web site and cannot get the time to finish them off, even though most of the work has been done. Too top it all I am just about to start building a new computer, the whole process should take only a couple of hours to do, but then getting all the programs on and everything working as I want could take days and during that time I will be without a computer, at least I won’t get distracted. On a more positive note I’ve finished, all bar a little polish, the wedding album, ...