
With a new business looming on the horizon, my free time seems to have vanished, thank goodness for Caz she organised a weekend away in York, giving me two great days with her sightseeing and photographing.

York has to be one of this countries best cities, compact, friendly and full of history. Here is one of it's more inquisitive inhabitants found in a local park just feet from the city wall.

Now playing: Dido - I'm No Angel
via FoxyTunes


Jackie said…
I love this picture. Look at his face. I live near Washington DC and Foto week events are happening all around the city. Falling in love with photography because it captures the moment so perfectly, like this face. Keep up the good work!

Martin Rye said…
Brett a terrific photo. Thanks for sharing.
Anonymous said…
Brett, that's one of your best ever. It's crying out for a speech bubble and a caption contest!
Suburbia said…
We went in the late summer, a fab place to visit.

Great pic, can't believe you captured him like that!

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