Do it.
Have you ever put something off, that you really should have done, I have, getting assessed for dyslexia. Nearly my whole life I have had problems spelling, and have done every thing to avoid getting tested, why, because I was scared that I would not have it and be told I was just thick or lazy. Well yesterday I got tested, and the results surprised me. First I was informed that my reading ability was good to high, next I was informed that I have an IQ of over 120 (140 and over Genius or near genius 120-140 Very superior intelligence 110-120 Superior intelligence 90-110 Normal or average intelligence 80-90 Dullness 70-80 Borderline deficiency Below 70 Definite feeble-mindedness 70-80 Borderline deficiency 50-69 Moron 20-49 Imbecile below 20 Idiot.) They have changed the lower classification for a more PC wording but this is the original. Lastly I was informed that I am Dyslexic and my writing and spelling were well below what my intelligence suggested (that why it takes me forever...