Blog of the week - Photoshop disasters

Time again for the Blog of the week and this award makes me a bit nervous as I could be inviting a lot of close scrutiny to my photographs.

I first found this site last year and keep popping back every few weeks to see what been posted, it’s a sort of guilty pleasure, its also a way to lift my spirits when I’m have problems editing a shot. When I do get round to visiting the site I find I’m there for hours just looking back over the old posts, even now I have spent ¼ of an hour I’ve not got looking at the latest few posts, its quite addictive. I would now link to Photoshop disasters and to my favorite post but there are so many I cannot pick just one, so you will just have to dig in and have a look yourselves.

This photo is untouched, just as it appears on the slide, so I won’t gat caught out by any silly errors.

Now playing: Big Audio Dynamite - E=MC2
via FoxyTunes


aims said…
Going over to have a look - when I've got a spare - what? hour or two?

Incredible - untouched - photo Brett.

You must live in the most photogenic part of the world. I swear.
Michaela said…
As always, you are an amazing photographer!
Siobhan Quinn said…
I'm a big fan of Photoshop disasters too - but sometimes I can't figure out what the problem with the photo is! Have you read It's my other guilty pleasure - too funny.

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