Some where over...

I’m still following the doctors orders and keeping off the computer as much as possible, so apologies if I have not visited your blog in the past few week, it all I can do to keep this and the Leek blog updated.

The competition is still running and I will announce the 3 winners on Friday so keep your suggestion for blog of the week coming in.

I’ve just joined Stumbleupon, after the blog got loads of visitors from there, just to see what it was all about and was very impressed, I think once I’m fit I could spend ages just click through all the sites. So if any of you are members and want to submit the site I’ve added a quick link button thing at the top of the blog, it has links to all the more popular sites on there.

In keeping with my theme of not doing very much, today’s picture was taken from my bedroom window and about sums up the summer so far, rain, rain and more rain.

Now playing: Extreme - More Than Words
via FoxyTunes


Sandi McBride said…
Oh but it's a rainbow! How fortunate! I shall follow it to the end and grab my pot of gold! Hope you are well soon!!!
You juts reminded me I'm on stumble upon. Get off the net and go a do something less boring instead, why don't you. Get well soon we need more beauties like this.
WOW. Nothing more need be said by me. I do not see that often.
Anonymous said…
Oh no, sorry to hear you're still suffering. I agree with Babooshka though - get off the net and go take some more of these stunning pics!!!

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