I'm a Photographer, not a Terrorist

I’ve not been spending as much time as I would like reading other peoples blogs and when I finally do get to read them I find they are all on holiday! Still it stops me feeling too guilty and frees up some time to look at new sites.

One site that I came across today has a particular interest for me as it covers photographer’s rights, specifically the area regarding what we are allowed to photograph and when.

I have found that as I walk around my local town I am spoken to more often if I am carrying a camera, this has become more evident as I am shooting more local stuff for the Leek blog. So far I have yet to have any negative comments, but this could be down to the fact that I am very aware of what I’m shooting and try to keep to the back ground as much as possible. I do feel at times that I stand out like a sore thumb and expect that someone will one day react in a less that positive way and reading the information on I'm a Photographer, not a Terrorist, it looks like a lot of photographers are suffering from more than the odd bad comment. I know that a lot of you who read this blog are photographers so I would recommend that you check out I'm a Photographer, not a Terrorist as fore warned is fore armed.

One place I have had no trouble taking pictures is on top of mountains, this is a shot of Great Carrs a cracking summit over looking a great valley and surrounded by other big peaks.

Now playing: Shaft - Mambo Italiano (S 'n' S Radio Cut)
via FoxyTunes


Anonymous said…
Ah, happy days! A real treat of a walk in an area that I found unexpectedly lovely and rewarding. Already on my list of fells to revisit!!! (With a tent... who said that?)
Sandi McBride said…
My son (as the editor of our newspaper) often walks about the counties towns taking shots for the paper...luckily everyone knows him..but he says when he is outside county lines it's a different story! Everyone wants to to know who he is and what he's doing...so I guess the eyes of the world are upon us! Keep on taking those pictures!
Vodka Mom said…
that is amazing as well. I have GOT to get a camera that WORKS.

Home exchange said…
Wow, incredible. look at the effect of that sky!! cool pic.
aims said…
I just suddenly realized a major difference between your hills and ours. Ours are all craggy - rock covered (with snow or ice usually). Yours look covered with some kind of grass. Still high though.

Do you have an elevation you could mention so that I could get an idea?
Brett said…
The elevations for the last 3 hills are 841 819 and today's is 785 or 2575 feet.

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