Cyber killer

I’m here!!!!!

I think that the world of cyber space has got it in for me, no sooner had I got the mail confirming that the photo hosting was sorted I then got a mail informing me my web site would vanish in 20 days!!!!

To start the tail from the beginning, my photos are hosted on Photobucket and have been for years, when the blog got named “Blog of note “ my usage went through the roof and I had to change from a free a/c to a pro a/c which I did last year. In July I got a mail from them informing me it was time to renew the a/c and so I resigned up using Trialplay. Trialplay is a scheme where you buy a thing from one company and get a free thing from another, in my case I signed up for a months DVD rental £9.99 and got a years pro a/c at Photobucket £35.00 for free, its a really great deal and work flawlessly last year. As I was going away I pre did all my posts, as I always do, and went on my holiday. I then get a message that the images are not showing, once I get home I find out the a/c has not been updated and as a free a/c it has run out of band width, luckily the bandwidth resets every 30 days so the pictures came back. But as a free a/c it was over full and I would lose my images with in the month if I did not up grade the a/c to pro. There then followed a week of emails to all 3 companies, Photobucket, Trialplay and the DVD company, which resulted in a mail last night at 11.00 advising me I am now a pro a/c holder again.

This morning I get the mail from Bravehost who host my web site and have done for 6 years or more. They inform me that they are changing their free hosting package from September 15th and as a result 4/5th’s of my web site will have to go as it takes up more than the new amount of storage space. They have informed me I can up grade to a pro a/c, but it will mean a complete re working of my web site and an outlay of money I just can not afford, but will have to find. All I need now is for Blogger to turn on me and my life in cyber space will be at an end.

Photo to day from the week in Yorkshire a full report next week when thing get back to normal, I hope.

Now playing: Culture Club - Do You Really Want To Hurt Me
via FoxyTunes


Suburbia said…
Gosh, that all sounds so complicated, I had no idea, my blog just does it's own thing of course.

Good to have you back, amazing photo. Did you have a good time and how's your back?!
Martin Rye said…
The photo is nice. The problem not. Hang in there and I am sure it will all workout.
Oh dear!

I've visited so many of my favuorite blogs today and they're all falling apart! I feel like I've missed so many things while I've been away!
I hope you can sort this all out soon because I would hate to think that you're going away into blog heaven!

Scarlet xx

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