The Red Shoes and Waterfalls

Sorry I’ve been rather busy lately and have not had time to post on here as well as the Leek photo blog and organise the exhibition. I’m just grabbing time between swimming, shopping and framing photo to read a number of blogs (yes I do read them, but don’t have the time to comment).

It’s a busy time for me; on Sunday it’s my birthday and the following Saturday see the opening of my first exhibition and just a month after that its Caz’s 40th. So lot’s to do and very little time to do it in.

The opening day of the exhibition now has the added attraction of a band! This started out as a low key event for me to test the idea and now I have a band playing at the opening, how thing seem to get out of hand all of a sudden amazes me. The band, made up of 3 local girl who call themselves The Red Shoes, are playing a number of times through out the day starting at 11am, it is a great thrill to have them joining in the fun and makes what is already a special day for me even better.

Back to work now I suppose, I will leave you with a waterfall taken in Yorkshire during the summer.

Now playing: U2 - Beautiful Day
via FoxyTunes


Anonymous said…
That's great news about the band, Brett! Anything to draw people in, in addition to your superb photography. Hopefully this could really be the start of something big. Good luck!
Martin Rye said…
Stunning shot Brett and good luck with the first exhibition.
Suburbia said…
Happy birthday for the weekend. Fab that you are having such a great time at the moment, you deserve it all :)
prashant said…
Hopefully this could really be the start of something big. Good luck!

Work from home India

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