Last post

I wrote this as part of the second days post:

“365 different photos, I’m daunted and intrigued at the same time. Daunted with the task of taking the images and writing words to tie it all together and intrigued at what will be here in a year’s time. Will anybody see this? Will it make any sense?”

70,849 words, 367 photos, 3014 comments, and 43358 visitors from 164 countries later and it’s all done, I’m 42 and have the answer to those questions.
Yes somebody has seen it and no it really does not make much sense, but that really does not seem to matter that much.

I wanted to mark the passing of a year in my life and have ended up with a fantastic record of a year in both words and pictures. More than that it has changed my life, I have gained a confidence I never had, I can write without fear, my photography skill has improve and I realise that you can do nearly anything if you work at it.
One of my dreams was that it would become a “blog of note”, I still smile at the feeling’s that hit me when it happened, going from 25 visitors to 5000 in a day! The thrill I get reading the comments has never faded and I really miss people I’ve never met when they go away for a week and don’t post.

So the last thing to say in the last post, THANK YOU, without all the support and encouragement I would not have been able to do this and by visiting the blog you all have help in a great way.

A special THANK YOU to Caz, she has put up with a lot as I have spent hours over the year working on this, mostly without any complaint. She has also had to put up with me checking the stats and comments over and over again, and then giving her them in great detail. I’m sorry if I take you fore-granted at times, I don’t mean to, you really are my whole world, and I don’t care if the whole world knows it.

Now playing: Monty Python - Always Look an the Bright Side of Life
via FoxyTunes


Martin Rye said…
The end then Brett. What a journey you have had to get here. You did not have to blog or share - yet you did. Been great reading your blog, viewing wonderful photos, and reading how you have moved on in the time. Take care now.
Anonymous said…
Kudos! Kudos! Kudos! I loved your blog and your pictures are amazing. I'm going to miss this one, but I look forward to the new blog. Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Isunia said…
Happy Birthday Brett!
I have enjoyed reading your blog and admiring your pictures so much. I am looking forward to your new projects. I am so glad I stumbuled in here by accident last autumn. Happy birthday again!
What a lovely year it has been. I look forward to the next journey you are taking us on.
Anonymous said…

Happy Birthday! :)

Thank you for a wonderful blog, I have enjoyed your photos and stories, and am amazed that you did this faithfully every day.

It was a honor to follow your blog. :)
Kasia said…
Happy birthday, Brett! Thanks for your wonderful photos - they often made my day. See you in the new place :)
Lola said…
Just gotta comment on the last one! I wasn't in at the start, but I was hooked from the moment I got here. Thanks for the photos, thanks for returning the compliment and dropping by at my blog, and Happy Birthday!
Shutterspy said…
Thank you for such an interesting blog! :-D
Lisa B said…
Wow - happy birthday!
Eternal Worrier said…
I don’t know how you managed to find something interesting to write about every day but you did. Your photos inspired me to actually get up from my desk and go out in my lunch hour with a camera. A fantastic feat to post such great pixs every day for a whole year. Well done Brett.
Anonymous said…
Happy birthday and well done on the blog! I really liked reading it, and looking at hose wonderful photos. It's one of those things I could rely on, another blog post and another photo every day. :)
Happy Birthday and we look forward to what's still to come! Have a lovely weekend!
Anonymous said…
gary..b said…
Ironically I am your 14th comment on 563 to 24 sorry 365 to 42 thats kinda spooky as its the 14th today!
well you did it...everyday for a year.
Brett....congrats I know its been a lot of hard work for you but you have persevered and stuck to your mission.
You have entertained people for a whole year with your photo's and thoughts and without doubt it will leave a space in many readers routines...!
Well done and see you next sirloin would be nice...:)...Gary x
gary..b said…
OMG I nearly forgot to wish you a very Happy Birthday...with 15 mins to go I just got in there
Ps rump will do if the sirloin is off...see you Thursday.....He He
Anonymous said…
I got a little teary reading that, I can relate to so much of what you said, well not the "blog of not" part, but hey I can always dream. Brett you have been such a source of inspiration to me, we have never met, but I feel like I know you in some small way. Just watching you do it each day reminds me I can keep going as well. Your the best, I will start following your new blog as soon as I hit post. -Monique
Kendie said…
Congrats on the full year of photos and Happy Birthday. I am so glad you are starting another blog. I will be following it. I really like your photography. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog.
wcgillian said…
Your birth date explains a lot I guess. I am not sure if I ever thanked you for your comment on my post Undaunted a while back. It was very encouraging to receive that from you. Happy Birthday Brett! I will start my birthday by flying to the slope for three weeks. Sucks but might get some good shots.

Kathy said…
Well done Brett, I have enjoyed following every day of your blog, since I happened to stumble across it :)
Your photography is inspiring, and I look forward to wherever you may take us next.
Good luck, and take care
lucy said…
I will miss your daily postings Brett. You are a talented photographer and writer...yes writer. You give hope to those who have little faith in themselves and their skills to come forward with courage and take up a challenge. Good luck and don't abandon your faithful followers!
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday and welcome to 42. I am at 55 and let me tell you, the best is yet to come!

Thank you for a great read every day. I think photos and food go together quite well.
What a lovely travelogue it has been, Brett. I wish I'd found you in the beginning but I've enjoyed catching up and living the past few months thru your eyes. Happy Birthday, and we'll "see" you again soon.
Michaela said…
Oh jeez! What can I say? Honestly! Well, first of all, Happy Birthday/Valentine's Day!

I've learned so much about photography through your blog and I've loved every single moment of stepping into your life and seeing what it's like to be 41 and living in England. It has been a wonderful journey, even though I wasn't there for all of it. Thanks for letting me step into your crazy world of photography and, really, life. Please, please, PLEASE start another blog! I will be waiting for it with excitement and anticipation.

Your truly,
And thank you for providing us with such beautiful photos!
Daisy said…
Happy Birthday Brett! Your photos are fantastic, I love checking in with you for a slice of rural England captured beautifully- congratulations on a great feat!
Well done brett - glad you made it...

what next?

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