Happy pictures

 It feels strange to be back writing on my blog after so long, just like the first time I am not really publishing that I am doing it, just seeing what happens.

So I'm not putting any pressure on myself to post with any set pattern, I can post old photos, new photos or even with no photos, this is for the time being just my space to do with as I please. Many years ago I had a note book that I would write in every now and then, little letters to the future me to remind me who I was then and where I would like to be. I would like this blog to be a little like that, a window on the now so I don't forget.

Today's picture is of Tunnel pool near Leek, in fact it is almost the view from my bedroom window, it was taken in the resent snowstorm we had and sums up what I like in photography. Its a panoramic image made up of a number of shots, something I do a lot and really like. Its a shot of a place I love, like a lot of my images are and it is taken in conditions that most photographers would avoid, it was a very rough day.

 When I started this blog I used to take pictures just to make me happy, now it is my job/life it is harder to find that same enjoyment so perhaps here I can start to post those shots that won't make my fortune but do make me happy.


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