Muffs and baps

I’m back, what nobody’s missed me! Thanks to the wonders of modern technology you would have never known I had been away, but I have, for a whole week. Yes a whole week with no computer and no blog. As the blog is not anonymous I did not want to advertise the fact we were going away for a week so I used Blogger new write now post later feature, so twice the blogging fix one week then nothing the next, odd.

Where were we, the Lake District, doing the Wainwrights, got 11 more done and 13 gig of photos, 2331 pictures all ready to sort, file and process. Thank you for all the comments it was the other thing I was looking forward to coming home for (Kep being the main one as he stayed at the in-laws). So today picture is the first from the Lakes trip( lots more coming up) a snow ball fight on top of Pillar, taken on Wednesday, Trevor doing the honours. Normal service will resume on Monday as lots of Blogs to read and comments to pass.

Now playing: Fun Lovin' Criminals - Up On The Hill
via FoxyTunes


Suburbia said…
Welcome home!
There was something missing from your blog this week, it sort of felt like you were somewhere else! It just seemed more impersonal somehow (spooky!!)

That looks a great place, could be anywhere from the view!
Anonymous said…
Fab photo.

Next time I WILL be able to join you on a big one ;-) xxx
Ranger Faff said…
Pah! He throws like a girl! :-)

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