The man

Wainwright, by day a mild mannered office worker, at the weekend a wild man of the mountains (well dedicated hill walker seemed a bit bland). For those of you who have not come across him before a brief history,

Alfred Wainwright (1907-1991) transformed the landscape of Britain with his superbly knowledgeable Guides to the Lakeland Fells which he compiled between 1952 and 1966. These handwritten and hand-drawn works of art have given inspiration to all true fellwalkers for the past forty years. For this labour of love, as he called it, he was awarded the MBE.

These guides list 214 fell tops in the English Lake district, which we are in the process of climbing the last 30 odd of. So why am I telling you all of this, well it started for me when a great friend dragged Caz and me up a mountain (mostly dragged, mostly up, we did not make the top). Having failed we tried the same peak 6 months later, succeeded and were hooked. From small things, now we spend most of our time walking and have found ourselves in some very strange and wonderful places. Picture for today not of a Lakeland view but of a ridge close to home on the Roaches

Now playing: Hazel O'Connor - Will You?
via FoxyTunes


Wainwright's walks still can't be beaten, and neither can the lake district.

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