Real girl power, roll over Britney

51st post, I did not think that this would last, but now it has become quite a habit. Not much to say today as I’m spending a lot more time at work and don’t have much time to think. I have instead updated the videos, the top one is very impressive and looks like it was shot in one take. The second is a blast from my past and is the Fuzz box, an acquired taste. Enjoy. The picture for today is of a garden down on our local canal, every year this garden is always one of the prettiest spots on the canal.

Now playing: The Undertones - Teenage Kicks
via FoxyTunes


Anonymous said…
Thank you for your comment.
You have a great job here, great pics!!!
Hey, thanks for your interest! It's been a loooooong time since I've had a guest blog, but I'd be more than happy to show this picture on my site. E-mail me (sir_jell_o [at] with a copy of this picture as close to 750 pixels high as you can manage, and with any other information you'd want included on your guest blog post. Here are my standard questions, but I'd be willing to include just about anything else:

1. Your URL (obviously)
2. Technical information for the shot
3. Any stories about the shot/explain the subject matter or how you took the shot
4. Your photographic philosophy
5. The method to your madness
6. How you got into photography, and any exciting or interesting experiences involving photography
7. What is your ultimate dream and/or realistic goals with photography?
8. Anything else you want to add
Sorry, I guess that should be 600 pixels high (or slightly more), not 750.
Marcelo Felix said…
how are you?
I´m live from Brazil and you?
thanks for your good commentary in my blogger
add my messenger
Marcelo Felix said…
your work is good
sorry beacause speak more or less the english

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