
Buddhist prayer.

Grant that I may be given appropriate difficulties and suffering on this journey so that my heart may be truly awakened and my practice of liberation and universal compassion be truly fulfilled. Let us bow in gratitude to those we have lost, who taught our hearts to break open so deeply and paradoxically made our hearts softer and stronger.

Don't known why but i found this and loved it.

Now playing: Oasis - Wonderwall
via FoxyTunes


I am going to write that down and tape it to my computer. Beautiful.
Suburbia said…
I can understand why you loved it.

I like your new layout, the bigger picture looks really good.
Excellent image.

How's the voting going?

This is the link to my site.

Saturday's post was the one that I linked you on. Se what you think
Anonymous said…
Nicely done !

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