Blondie – Youth nabbed as sniper

This is probably a track you have never heard, its off Plastic Letters one of Blondie’s early albums and for me is one of my favorite tracks ever. I came to Blondie quite late, after they had written all their best albums, a good friend lent me Eat to the beat, and after a week I was hooked. I then spent all my hard earned cash to get all the albums (which were mostly out of production) on vinyl. The early Blondie LP's are by far the best work that they did, full of life and very rocky, the later stuff was just to polished for my liking and got to be pretentious with the lyrics. To a teenage lad Debbie was as good as it got. Photo is of a Bee coming into land.

Now playing: Blondie - Youth Nabbed As Sniper
via FoxyTunes


Suburbia said…
She facinated me when I was younger. She couldn't dance though could she?!
My brother had the poster of her in the school girl unifrom on his wall for years until he progressed( more like regressed) towards Madonna. Debbie Harry, a true star.

Beautiful bee. Stunning macro. Lots of people have said they have bookmarked your site, so I will be keeping tabs on then.
Anonymous said…
Wonderful photo Brett one of your best I think. Looking forward to your new ones. Jeanne x

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