43 your time is up

The 351st post and it seems like only yesterday that I started this thing.
The weather here is again very poor so today it looks like I will have to do some house work, still it gets it out of the way for the weekend. Did manage to get some more work done on the photo course yesterday, I sat down to mess with a couple of ideas and ended up writing over 800 words, not bad for someone who less than a year ago would have been daunted by a 2 line email. In fact even writing this would have taken me hours to do.
Today we have one of the images rescued yesterday; I loved the texture and repeated shapes, but when scanning through the shots the first time it just did not hold the same appeal. Having return to it, I re-framed the shot and took out most of the colour which highlights the texture and brings back the shapes I liked.

Now playing: The Prodigy - Breathe
via FoxyTunes


Eternal Worrier said…
Great picture. I’m enjoying the course and need the help. Keep going.
aims said…
Well Happy Birthday Brett! You did it!

You know - I was wondering about just this event the other day - thinking 365 to 42 - that's got to be ending soon doesn't it?

So here's wishing for many many more filled with the beautiful pictures you take!
Stunning, Brett. Well done. Sending you birthday well-wishes from across the pond! So...ya gonna change your title to "365 to 43?"
Anonymous said…
WOW!WOW!WOW!WOW! You did it! Amazing every step of the way.
I love how the greys on the boats mirror the grey shingle/gravel - Again, stunning!
conter said…
very nice) Amazing colors

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