Fun on a bun

Now that life has started to get back to normal after the holidays I am getting the opportunity to play with some of my toys, by toys I mean my thoughtful and serious presents. Top on the list, now don’t laugh, is a burger maker. I love to make my own burgers, but getting them all the same size and shape is a bit of a pain, we had seen this at Lakeland and I kept joking that I would want one and now I have. Like all the best gadgets it’s a really simple design, easy to used and does the job perfectly right from the off. I mixed up a large batch of meat to a recipe from one of Carolyn’s books and in 5 minuets had made 10 burgers, all perfect in size and shape, the 2 we cooked came out looking as good as when they went in the oven. Now all I need is some good burger recipes.
The photo today is of a stick covered in ice, not something I’ve seen very often, it goes to show just how cold it has been here lately.

Now playing: The Jam - All Mod Cons
via FoxyTunes


I had a slinky and a toy helicopter with remote so I can't deride your pressie. I have missed doing ice or snow images this year. None on both counts. Cracker as always.
Nice stick...good shot.

My Mom bought me the Jamie Oliver 'how to cook' book - with the 'now anyone can cook' line...I think I cook quite well. She obviously thinks otherwise...
Suburbia said…
Wow that is so beautiful!

(not the burger obviously!)

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