Read all a bout it

I Hate Change, I love to know what is going on and when, I prefer to be in control than not and I really hate nasty surprises. So to find out that the company I work for is to be swallowed up by another group, from the breakfast news, is one way to guarantee a bad start to the day.
News of this leaked at the end of last year and we were told that it should not have happened and that if any news of this kind was to be broken the staff would know first. Now my personal confidence is badly shaken in the people who I suppose will be telling me and my colleagues later today that this is all for the good and (hopefully) our jobs are safe.
Having said all that, change is life and without it nothing would happen. I have a large amount of faith in our CEO, in times that have seen other company’s struggle he has steered a good route and kept the company very strong and although my personal future may be a bit uncertain I feel that a positive change started from within is better than one forced onto the company.
One way to get over a change is to understand the mechanics of change, spot the signs in your self, then quickly run to the end of the process, cutting out all the bad bits. The best example of traumatic change is the Kubler Ross transition (grief) cycle and here is an example I found on the web;

The Dead Car Battery.

Its winter and a cold morning. Its dark outside with a crisp frost under foot. You're going to be late to work so you rush out to your car, open the door and you place the key in the ignition and turn it on. You hear nothing; the battery is dead. What happens next neatly demonstrates transition phases:

• Denial - What's the first thing you do? You try to start it again! And again. You may check to make sure the radio, heater, lights, etc. are off and then..., try again.
• Anger - !$%&*@~$! car!, I should have junked you years ago. Did you slam your hand on the steering wheel?
• Bargaining - (realizing that you're going to be late for work)..., Oh please car, if you will just start one more time I promise I'll buy you a brand new battery, get a tune up, new tires, clean you, and keep you in perfect working condition.
• Depression - Oh God, what am I going to do. I'm going to be late for work. I give up. My job is at risk and I don't really care any more. What's the use.
• Acceptance - Ok. It's dead. Guess I had better call the breakdown service or find another way to work. Time to get on with things; I'll deal with this later.

Change the situation for any major enforced change and you will soon see it fits quite well, if you can see this and believe its true, you can get to the end knowing that you will get to that stage anyway so why bother with all the other bad bits. In a work contexts this could put you ahead of the field making you look like a forward thinker.

Now playing: The White Stripes - fell in love with a girl
via FoxyTunes


Kasia said…
I like the example a lot, mostly because I hate sudden changes myself. I'm all fine with changes when I have planned them myself, though. I usually go straight to anger stage and even if I go to acceptance then, anger's usually still there for some time :)
Ranger Faff said…
I believe there is a sixth stage which is 'urgently phone mate who has jump leads' :-)

Hope all OK with you given news. Similar stuff here again, unfortunately.

Beautiful pic.
And one of the more recent business mantras is "Change is the new status quo!"
Anonymous said…
LOL! Your five steps to dealing with unexpected crisis are perfect - especially the bargaining one.


Keeping my fingers crossed for your job!
Amber said…
That is a beautiful picture!! :)
Ha! Kubler-Ross would be proud of your adaptation of her scale!
I adore the contrast between the blue and darker shades on the water-- wonderful!

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