Music quotes

"We don't like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out." -Decca Recording Company rejecting the Beatles, 1962

"I don't know anything about music, In my line you don't have to." -Elvis Presley (1935-1977)

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace." - Jimi Hendrix

"... when I saw Jimi Hendrix I knew immediately that this guy was the real thing ... and when he played it was like a rough sketch of what he was going to become ... this guy was our generation, and he wasn't in a suit .. he played a Howlin' Wolf song 'Killing Floor', and then we (The Cream) had to carry on the set. It was pretty hard to follow ... " - Eric Clapton

"Whenever society gets too stifling and the rules get too complex, there's some sort of musical explosion" - Slash / Guns 'n Roses

"... everyone was using tiny brushes and doing watercolors, while Jimi Hendrix was painting galactic scenes in Cinemascope. We are working in a field of mystical resonance, sound and vibration... that's what makes people cry, laugh and feel their hair stand up ... " - Carlos Santana

"Without music, life would be a mistake." -Friedrich Nietzsche

"Secretly, I wanted to look like Jimi Hendrix, but I could never quite pull it off." -Bryan Ferry / Roxy Music

"An intellectual is someone who can listen to the "William Tell Overture" without thinking of the Lone Ranger." -John Chesson

"If music be the food of love, play on: give me excess of it..." -William Shakespeare

Now playing: Jimi Hendrix - The Wind Cries Marry
via FoxyTunes


I never thought I would agree with Nietzsche about anything but on music I agree. Timely post re the death of John Martytn. Absolutley stunning image.
Isunia said…
Wow... Amazing photo, I would love to live there :)
Lisa B said…
stunning, where is it?
Lola said…
That's an amazing scene.
Suburbia said…
Wow, that is incredible, where is it?
Ah, if only everyone else had rejected the Beatles too!
Amber said…
Oh my goodness!! This is so beautiful!!

Lovely, lovely, lovely. All of it.
Lovely, lovely, lovely. All of it.

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