The penultimate post

The penultimate post, a least of the challenge I set myself. I will post a review of the year and of the blogs roll in it tomorrow, but today I will make a bit of an announcement, I have a new project!!
As if this and the photo course weren’t enough I have decided to start a new daily blog, why you might ask, well the answer to that lies at the start of this blog. When I had the idea for this blog it was just to publish a daily photo to showcase my work, I had no idea what a blog was. Once it was up and running I learn about all the different types of blog and found mine was neither one thing or another, but I also found the type of blog it should have been, so now’s my chance to do that.
Meet the Leek daily photo blog, inspired by all the city daily photo blogs (lots of which aren’t cities) I intend to post a photo a day (see I’ve not learned a thing), but with very little writing (learned a bit then). To start the site off I have collected around 20 shots of Leek and the surrounding area that have appeared here and my intention is to try and capture both the good and bad sights of the town and surrounding villages and countryside. The blog (like all good blogs) start on the 14th and I hope it has ½ the successes that this one has.
As for this one I will still keep posting, just not every day. See you tomorrow for the last post.

Now playing: Andrew Davis - Jerusalem
via FoxyTunes


Sunny said…
So your road's coming to an end. Good to read you're about starting a new project.
Anonymous said…
Love the photo - like a bridge across to pastures new!

A new DAILY blog? Wow, that's another huge committment Brett - go for it! I can't wait to learn more about Leek.
Lola said…
I've enjoyed seeing all your photos so much, but was looking forward to cutting down a little on my blog reading. Now you've introduced another two... well, someone else's feed will have to be cut, that's all I'm saying.
Eternal Worrier said…
Glad to hear that you’re starting a new blog.
Marshall Family said…
well done you've done such a great job over the year with this blog, you have been nothing short of dedicated to it :)

I am sure the new blog will be fantastic, I look forward to tomorrows post.
Anonymous said…
I can't believe you're almost there already! And I'm very glad you're staying around to blog more. I always love looking at the photos you post.
aims said…
So then it's almost birthday time is it?!

Brett. I am delighted to have found your blog - or that you found me....whatever it was.

You've inspired me enough to go buy a good camera and to try and take good pictures.

I'm adding the new blog link to my sidebar. I know it will be worth following.

btw - this pic? Makes my heart ache in its desire to travel once more...
Sister Sadist said…
I've greatly enjoyed your photos and posts! I look forward to your new project and thank you for your comments!
Brett, we shall look forward to whatever it is you decide to post! All the best, and thanks for such a fabulous record in photographs!
junebinflorida said…
Congratulations, happy birthday, and keep up the good work. You have been an inspiration to me , and thank you for posting a message on my blog.
I'd like to say I've become a better photographer since viewing your blog,but I'd be lying. You're the greatest!!!!
Ranger Faff said…
May not be able to get to a computer over the weekend, Brett, so just wanted to post anticipatory congratulations in advance. Well done on a fantastic achievement - though obviously you have only succeeded in unleashing a monster :-)
Your posts have been a great way to stay in touch over the miles - the photos have been universally superb; the posts have never been less than interesting - always thought-provoking, sometimes great fun, sometimes close to home, and sometimes controversial. I can't help but feel I know you a little better after this year - I'm sure we all feel that. Maybe it works the other way round too - I hope so.
Happy Birthday - in both ways. Can't wait to catch up - both in person and online. Take care of yourself, Carolyn and Kep - and Well Done. You should be very very proud, in so many ways.
Martin Rye said…
Happy Birthday. The sun will rise tomorrow. A new dawn and day. Who knows the things that await?. We will read about some of them, as you undertake your new blog and share with us. Take care Brett.
Anonymous said…
I love this photo and am so excited I can keep following your work.
Karl said…
Your blog has been very inspirational to me. The photos are amazing and your writings very insightful. I turn 40 next month and feel your blog relates well to my current situation. Thanks for writing it.
Jessica said…
Ah, congratulations and you will be missed. However, I will be following your new blog. I look forward to seeing it. :)
Lisa B said…
terrific photo, and I am on tenterhooks to see tomorrow's picture and then looking forward to seeing Leek through your eyes (I've never been there). It has been a pleasure to read 365 to 42, wishing you a great birthday weekend and all the best with the new projects.
Suburbia said…
Yay! a new daily blog!! And I thought I was going to miss you!

I hope you have a very Happy Birthday :)

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