The Bride and Groom

Now meet the happy couple, this shot was taken from inside the church as the photographer was taking a shot from the outside, this is the sort of shot that just would never be taken by the official photographer, but gives a lovely feel, as though they are looking towards their new life together. All my shots on the day were taken with a 70-300 zoom, which meant that I could take some candid portraits of people with out them being aware of it , giving a more natural look, also making for lots of blurred shot, strange faces and obscured images, that why I took loads of shots.

Now playing: Dinah Washington - What A Difference A Day Made
via FoxyTunes


Is this going to be a series? Well no matter they're all good photos.

Suburbia said…
You're right, that's a gret shot that could easily have been missed! Have they seen the photos yet?
Brett said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brett said…
Not yet their on honeymoon
ipa said…
Hi Brett,
I have enjoyed your blog pics. I have to differ about the candid shot though. My son just got married and the prof photog took a very similar shot - in fact took lots of candid and unusual shots.
I used to live in Staffordshire. Now in the USA.
Keep on clicking!
Cosmos said…
Your wonderful photo blog has been included in the Blogs of Note! Congrats.
Anonymous said…
I love the picture. Simple yet full of love. Thank you for sharing that. =)
IAmSavingFerris said…
This is great, much better than regular cheesy wedding shots :D
Amanda said…
I absolutely love this!!! Beautiful!!!

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