Green fingered boat man

Aside from the natural beauty of the canal the boat's provide their own splash of colour, these boats range in size and shape from the very small, very neat barges, to the large and cluttered narrow boats, each has its own little quirks and character. These usually reflect the character of the owners of the boat, be it the smooth corporate look of the rented holiday boat, all gleaming paint and sparkling brass work, or the much loved weekend boat, all bedecked in nick-knacks and accessories, or the floating home, all rigged out with the day to day necessities like generators and fire wood. Every boat has those little touches that make it unique, the way the rope is stored, the design of the paint work, the flowers on its roof, all showing the amount of love that the boat has lavished on it. Take this one for example, it nearly has as many plants in the bow as I have in my garden, in fact it is a mini garden, complete with tomatoes and wind chimes.

Now playing: Iggy Pop - The Passenger
via FoxyTunes


The colors and angles and history of the boats that travel your canals are so very striking, captivating and inspire much joy! I wish I could see them in person. How fortunate they are there for you to capture forever.
Karma said…
Very gorgeous! Colors! Yay! I love colors!
Anonymous said…
I agree with ellie - Colours are great - great photo 2!
Cindy said…
I LOVE the colors in this photo (and the gardens)! It just makes me smile :)
Anonymous said…
a blog question for you - how did you embed the youtube things and get them to fit? I have embedded youyube clips in my blog, but I have to put them as an actual post because on the side they are cut off, same with some of my pictures.

I love the daily images, you are really talented!
Katie said…
So colorful! Neat stuff, and Congrats!
What a great photo! The color is awesome.
Everymatter said…
nice ones

congrates for being on blog of note

keep it up
Anonymous said…
That is just a beautiful photo! I like how the colors of the boat and garden are in harmony. I'd love to sail away on that boat.
Brett said…
Jen, cannot get onto your blog so i hope you will see this

As for video on the side just add a HTML box from the options then copy the code from your favorite you tube vid, you may need to adjust the size in the code(2, 3 digit number repeated twice in the code, i 1/2 them both to get it to fit). Mail me if you need any more help, and enjoy blogging.
Mona said…
That boat looks so awesome, where was this taken?
Anonymous said…
Thanks Brett! :)
Anonymous said…
Wow this picture makes me want to give up everything and come live on that flowery boat, cruising the canal........ahhhhhh bliss!
tknmurthy said…
Great Collections

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