
As a photographer I get asked a number of times a year to take wedding photographs, the main reason being that its one of the few times people have to pay the going rate and realise just how expensive photographers are. I always refuse. What I will do if I’m invited to the wedding is take informal snaps, that compliment the main photos with out replacing them.. I really do not fancy the responsibility of taking the main role, it just is not my type of photography. Having said all that the wedding on Saturday was great, the bride was beautiful, the weather perfect and I took nearly 700 shots. Yesterday I started the task of sorting the shots out, removing the bad ones and processing the best for the bride and groom, in the first pass I binned 600 shots and am now working through the remainder. The first thing I’ve notice is that the images of the bride need treating totally differently to how I normally work, I normally go for strong punchy shots with lots of contrast and strong blacks and colours, but for this it’s a softer look with a smoother finish. So no photo of her today, I have to relearn my craft as it were. Instead a Timber-Shepard a cross between a timber wolf and a German Shepard, no jokes about marriage making you feel trapped.

Now playing: The Cranberries - Zombie
via FoxyTunes


Marshall Family said…
ahhh sounds like a great new challenge!

Its understandable that you dont want to do it al the time, sounds very time consuming.

I love wedding photos. I hope you enjoy re-mastering your skills!
Suburbia said…
They have amazing eyes don't they?
Looking forward to the picture of the bride though.
Uhm Zombie and weddings. Freudian slip! It is an amazing close up.
Anonymous said…
Beautiful doggie! I have a Timber-Husky mix and she's the sweetest thing ever -- and their eyes are so amazing!
Anonymous said…
Beautiful doggie! I have a Timber-Husky mix and she's the sweetest thing ever -- and their eyes are so amazing!
Anonymous said…
This is an incredible pic of the dog. He/ She truly is a beautiful animal.
Wuthering said…
hi there! this picture is so nice. i hope you don't mind i'm going to post it and link you!!

if you do, just tell me & i'll take it down.


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