Hong Kong garden

Today is as normal quote day, I try to find quote that suit my mood or go with the picture, and as I feel old and crabby, and the subject in the picture is showing its age, so quotes about age.

For the first half of your life, people tell you what you should do; for the second half, they tell you what you should have done.

Richard Needham

Wisdom doesn't necessarily come with age.
Sometimes age just shows up all by itself.

Tom Wilson

Old age is the most unexpected of all the things that happen to a man.

Leon Trotsky (Ice pick!)

Find an aim in life before you run out of ammunition.

Arnold Glasow

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.

Chili Davis

A last one for the ladies (Sandra inparticular).

Age does not diminish the extreme disappointment of having a scoop of ice cream fall from the cone.

Jim Fiebig

Photo of old mine working near Coniston, it reminded me of an old Japanese gate way, but in reality it is part of a cableway for moving slate down the mountain.

Now playing: Siouxsie & the Banshees - Spellbound (12" Mix)
via FoxyTunes


Karma said…
VERY nice quotes.
Anonymous said…
Nice image. I like the way the clouds pop with the HDR.

BTW, your site has inspired me to start my own blog:

A Portrait a Day - A 365 Day Quest

Thanks... I think.
Ack, that picture is the creepiest thing ever!

Today I saw a ghost ship and I have the most horrid fear of ships/ anything that might look remotely of a ship that I was nearly reduced to hysterics by this photo. But from a picture perspective, it's pretty neat.

Oh and super approve of the track today - I'm such a huuuge Banshees fan and this is my favourite song by them - this version doesn't feel so rushed. Did you get it from the remastered version of "Juju"?

Scarlet x
Anonymous said…
Love the quotes - especially the ice-cream one as I sit here reading your blog with a huge hot chocolate, dash of baileys and a big scoop of ice-cream in the middle (so it can't fall out!)
Wuthering said…
interesting picture! Aging... this is the first year i began to experience some aging. i never thought i cared about getting older, NOT until it started to effect my collagen! laf.
Absolutely excellent photograph, Brett. It reminds me of the Myst/Riven/Exile series of games that I loved SO much. Especially Riven.
This one really qualifies as an appreciated comment.

Spellbound 12" - Hong Kong Garden. Happy as a pig in the brown stuff.

Great quotes and the image very haunting with the strong contrast. Rally draws you in and won't let you go.

Great all reound post.
Michaela said…
*sigh* once again you have captivated me with your sensational pictures. I especially enjoy the colour of the wood. it pops out nicely.

I also enjoyed your quotes. fortunately for me, I have quite a few years ahead of me before I'm considered "old".

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