Sunday girl

As is my usual practice on a Sunday a few quotes to up lift and inspire, or just to make you think.

I am a part of all that I have met. ~Alfred Lord Tennyson

If a man who cannot count finds a four-leaf clover, is he lucky? ~Stanislaw J. Lec

How long has it been since someone touched part of you other than your body? ~Laurel Hoodwrit

Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet. ~Roger Miller

The last one describes so many people I known, the others that is.

Picture today is the last for a bit of the canal set, it’s quite fitting that it is a model of a boat on a boat filled with flowers. I hope the you have enjoyed the set, lots of the comments have made me want to revisit the whole area again.

Now playing: Blondie - Contact In Red Square
via FoxyTunes


Sunny said…
This one "Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet" is really nice.

Thank you for posting the beautiful pictures that took us down the channel with you.
Ooh, nice. Good quotes too. It's nice to look at them and pick them up... Sometimes you might just learn one of life's little mantras.

"Whenever you feel like you want to be a teenager again, just think of algebra" -- lol!

I enjoyed Roger Miller phrase, thanks you for writing them for us.

Have a nice sunday.
Regards from Barcelona


Barcelona Daily Photo
Anonymous said…
I am in love with your blog. I thought that boats filled with flowers was a Honey Brook invention, one being not two miles from me, in front of a doublewide trailer and at least a hundred miles from the nearest body of water big enough to float it. I will have to send you a picture, ours has a very patriotic theme with flags and plastic flowers of impossible hue.
Arvind said…
Pictures speak a thousand words , nice pic and wonderful quotes . inspiring words no doubt, keep it going
I've enjoyed this entire set of photos and today's quotes have made me do quite a bit on pondering. The colors on your photos just really POP and bring such joy!
Marshall Family said…
a lovely post :) very thought provoking :)

I love your ability to capture such beautiful photos and I would like to thank you for sharing :) x
Karma said…
Very nice quotes! I love the noe about the man who cannot count finding a four leaf clover. The picture is wonderful!

ellie :)
I like mini me boat scene, very creative whoever designed that. All great quotes but the last one had me nodding in knowing agreement, the I know people like that. Definitely re visit the scene(sounds like a criminal act), it's been a real breathe of fresh air to vitually walk canalside.
Hi Brett,
I'm really enjoying your site. I think I'll tackle more posts in batches of themes on my art blog.

Very nice to find your blog and will definitely return.
BTW, I love the quotes. I especially like the Tennyson one.
just4yoshi said…
I too like that last quote. Am I the only one who has wanted to sing in the rain at least once?
1 said…
"Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet". I prefer to dance in the rain.
Wuthering said…
what a great group of ironic quotes!!

i think i'm in love with them all, yet, Laurel Hoodwrit's will be my favorite.

btw, i've never heard that blondie song before & of course what a beautiful photograph. Again, such a nice insight into an artists work.

thank you very much!

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