Sun Flower by Brett Trafford

Sunflowers seem to attract artists, like most flowers attract bees and now having one of my own I’m in no doubt why. But my link to the sun flower goes back a lot further than my interest in photograph, it started way back when I was 7 or 8 years old. We lived at that time in a terrace house that backed on to a factory and was hemmed in on either side by our neighbour’s houses, both my closest friend live on a different street down the road in larger houses with gardens (we moved later into one of these houses in the same street). One of my friend planted sunflower seeds in a section of the border that his mum had given him to grow things in and this lead me to try in my own garden. That garden consisted at that time of a patch of soil the size of two key boards side by side, at the foot of a fence, used mainly as a litter tray by the local cats. But I planted seeds out of my hamster food and up came sun flowers, right the way up to the great height of 3 inches only to fall foul of the afore mentioned cats. This went on for a few years until I lost heart, until now, I planted 12 seeds in the greenhouse early this year and out of them I now have 4 giant sunflowers that stand 6 feet tall, a childhood ambition reached, it really is never too late.

Now playing: A Flock Of Seaguls - Wishing
via FoxyTunes


Marshall Family said…
that is beutiful, I rarely see a sunflower these days unless they are in a bunch at tesco or something :) x
Nice - sunflowers do seem to imspire artists don't they?

By the way, I have a present for you. Come visit Jamjarsuperstar soon love!

Anonymous said…
A great photo of a sunflower. Looks a lot nicer than the ones in my vase at present.
Matios said…
There is a physicist by the name of Richard Feynman who talks about how flowers evolved their colors to attract more insects.

He asked if humans were the only ones that could appreciate art--if we were the only ones who could experience Love for the aesthetic!

This picture reminded me of that. ;]

I accept your apology. Just kidding. You didn't apologize.
Kasia said…
I love your photographs... They make me want to go to lake district even more :)
Already hope there will 365 to 43 photoblog as well :)
Wuthering said…
awwww! the song goes nicely with your post as well!! FUN! Actually put a smile on my face.

Anonymous said…
Wow! I love this blog--beautiful photographs!
Anonymous said…
lovely photo of a lovely flower - every child should grow one.
Karma said…
Sunflowers are burtsing with inspiration and natural beauty.

ellie :)
rubberduckiemom said…
When we lived in the Arlington, Texas, area there was a road that went from Arlington to Bedford. It wasn't much of a road; actually it went along the manure plant. However, it was my favorite little drive in the summers because of the field of sunflowers. They were taller than self and when you looked out, it was as if it were a sea of yellow and green.

Your photo brings that to my memory and I appreciate it. Thanks.
Ren (Fellow 42 Traveler)
Gurunath said…
Nice blog ...very well done keep it up..........see my galley wallpapers from my blog
aims said…
Oh Brett. I am just about to write about why sunflowers are so important to me.

Thank you.
Anonymous said…
thanks too much..

u are perfect...

photos.. ...:-)...

likes beko

ı d add my site..
Anonymous said…
It's funny that this magnificent flower lasts for only a few fleeting moments... all that time to reach to such hights only to bow it's head as if to say, "Thank you!" Neat!
Anonymous said…
I live in the Midwest of the US. Pretty soon, it will be alive with sunflowers ALL over the place. Our dry, hot August will bring them out fast. They grow wild.

I have an artificial one in the vase of my yellow VW Bug. Real ones don't smell very good. In fact, they smell bad!

I loved the picture. Thank you for the bright start in my day.
Unknown said…
Whenever I've done flower arrangements, I've always wished to have such beauty there
Michaela said…
That's absolutely stunning! I love sunflowers also but there aren't many growing where I live. I can't take a lot of pictures of them :(
Michael Reid said…
Fantastic sunflower!
Provence is my favourite place and where we intend to live. Tis then for me sunshine yellow against a cornflower blue sky is wonderful. Van
Gogh comes to mind. It is areal beauty, and the song gave me shivers. This was one of the songs that I consistantly banged away at on my keyboards. I am now inspired to hunt one of them down in the attic and see if I can still do it. Thanks all round for a brilliant posts on more than one level.
junebinflorida said…
Hi, Brett,
Your photography is inspired! I am just browsing in your blog and taking it slow because every photo is beautiful and thought provoking.
Have you ever studied fibonacci numbers?
Look up the words in wikipedia and you will be fascinated to read how a sunflower is mathematically perfect every time!
Bren Haas said…
FABULOUS shot of the sunflower. Thank you for sharing some garden photos.
From a Midwest Gardener.
Anonymous said…
Sunflowers make me feel happy. They remind me of long warm summer days, gentle warm breeze and life being just GREAT!

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