Times past, loves lost
New years eve, the most significant night of the year, the time you spend the most looking forward and looking back, the one night that really focuses your mind on your place in time. Also one of the biggest disappointments of the year, it’s normally built up into such a big night that it fails to deliver, hopefully not this year. But looking back on past years there have been some good ones, the Millennium for one was great fun, but for me two different years over 20 years ago stand out. The first was the night I got engaged (for the first time) there were 4 of us there, all great friends and just the people you would want to make your big announcement too, much drinking then followed, a great night. 20+ years on and I have no idea where 2 of them are and actively avoid the one who lives close by. The second night was a year later, by then were had broken up and I was determined to get so drunk I would not remember the previous year at all. After a very successful night I was carried ...