On the ropes

Its Christmas tree time, wish me luck. Every year we get our tree from the same garden centre that is only a few miles from home. Each year without fail we get lost in the maze of little lanes that criss-cross that area, sometimes taking hours to travel what is about 5 miles. Then when we get there it’s the line up from hell as you try to find a “nice” tree, all year I look at trees as just part of the scenery and all of a sudden I have to judge one on its looks! Its like choosing a puppy, will it be right for the house, will it make a mess, will it be better then everyone else’s? So while I’m doing that, I’ll leave you with this photo taken on one cold morning this week.

Now playing: Wild Cherry - Play That Funky Music
via FoxyTunes


Marshall Family said…
brrrr! that photo makes me feel so, so cold! I haven't seen much frost like that in the big city it melts far too fast. Lovely photo and lots of luck with the xmas tree! x
I find it hard to believe it is December without snow... doesn't feel quite authentic!
Brrrr, indeed! Good luck finding your tree.
rubberduckiemom said…
Wonderful photo.... makes me want to drink hot cocoa.

Have fun finding the tree. We are decided not to do a big tree this year because we won't be here at the house for Christmas... went with a small two footer.
Lakeland Jo said…
interesting shot - very different. I really like it
I fear I will not produce an image like this, no snow.

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