Sniff, sniff

A quick thank you to all my team at work, they have all had a cold over December and have very kindly given it me for Christmas, and they did not even wrap it!
So as I sit here contemplating a number of days coughing and spluttering I will leave you with a photo of a tree. This tree is in the park at Chatsworth and to fit it in took 2 shots joined together. Now to return to the warm embrace of my chair and some more cold cure.

Now playing: Depeche Mode - New Life
via FoxyTunes


Anonymous said…
Hope your feeling better soon. Alcohol kills germs & ice-cream is medicinal.
Suburbia said…
Merry Christmas Brett. Hope it's reasonalbly merry anyway and that your cold gets better soon :)
I'm sending you a bowl of hot, steaming chicken soup for your cold, and wish for you and yours a very Merry Christmas!
Anonymous said…
I hope you get well soon! I have the same thing, got the flu last week and haven't been able to beat it yet.
I love your tree shots!
Feel better soon and Merry Christmas, Brett!

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