Holiday build up.

Well it finally feels like the build up to Christmas, we have some last mad running around to do over the weekend and I still have a couple of gifts to buy next week, but all in all its all done. The last thing I was waiting for in the post has arrived and looks great and I’ve only 2 more days to do at work next week. I was thinking of doing something Christmassy on the blog but as the big day approaches I have no clear idea what to do, so it might just be a bit random.
Today’s photo is taken at the other end of the lake from yesterday’s image. I love this garage, it has a real old world feel to it, it looks as if it has not changed in 70 years, you feel it may even have had a blacksmith on site to deal with the horses.

Now playing: Suzanne Vega - Small Blue Thing
via FoxyTunes


It also has a very canadian feel but that could be due to the amount of Snowy scenes I've been viwing recently.

Thanks for those links very useful.
Daisy said…
Oh so pretty, and so English! I love it, cannot wait to be back, I'm heading over tomorrow! Although where I'm going doesn't look nearly as rugged and lovely as that.
Isunia said…
I just wanted to say that I have linked to one of your post :) I hope that is okay.
Ranger Faff said…
Brett, that's a great pic - and I love what you've done with it. I had to do exactly the same with a client's photo today :-) Looking forward to comparing FX over the holidays!!! See you soon.

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