Hey i've got a secret

As the last few posts have turned into a review of the year I might as well continue the story. By the time summer had arrived I was back at work full time and the blog was getting around 20 readers a day. Life was looking good and I was feeling very positive about most things so I took a big step.
Dyslexia, why make up a name for a condition that means you have difficulty writing and spelling that’s so hard to read and spell? Well I always had a feeling I had it, but the risk of getting tested and finding out I did not have, which would mean I was just thick and lazy, always stopped me from getting the teat done. But with my new found confidence and works help I got tested.
The result were better than I could have hoped for, I had got it, but I also had an IQ of over 120, not thick and a reason for my problems. Now I could work around the problem and beat it.

I rushed home and sat down to write the most personal post I had written, safe in the knowledge only 20 or so people would read it. That was Thursday night, the next day I was working in the morning so I posted it before going out.

Friday 3.00pm, checked the blog, 17 visitors, about right for that time of day.
3.30pm, 300 visitors, I ran down stairs to tell Caz.
3.40pm, 400 visitors, I am now getting the feeling that something is up.

A quick check of the web finds the answer, I’m blog of note!!!!!!, By the end of the weekend I had bared my soul to 11,000 people, all of whom now knew I was dyslexic, well it certainly made it easier to tell my work mates.

Now playing: Foo Fighters - All My Life
via FoxyTunes


Janie said…
I just wanted to say I enjoy reading your blog and seeing all the beautiful pictures. You have an amazing talent. I love to sing and love music and to me a great picture can touch the soul like a great song! Thanks!
Michaela said…
Beautiful shot! Hey, I'm a really slow reader. We all have problems :P
Suburbia said…
what an amazing photo, sort of makes you tingle!
And a photo of note too...love this shot.
Unknown said…
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Anonymous said…
Brett, if it hadn't been for that Blog of Note, I never would have found your site. I never would have been blessed with a beautiful picture each and every morning. Remember, we all have a difficult time with something. It's all about what we are able to do with our gifts. And, because they are called gifts.......we share. Keep up the good work! Your cooking friend, Nella
BEST. DAY. EVER! I know you were so proud of everything then!!

Oh, please pop round to JJS and make sure you participate in my little survey! I'm desperate to know what everyone's been listening to this year!

Scarlet x
BEST. DAY. EVER! I know you were so proud of everything then!!

Oh, please pop round to JJS and make sure you participate in my little survey! I'm desperate to know what everyone's been listening to this year!

Scarlet x
Isunia said…
HAHAHA, I really enjoyed your post and when it comes to the photo, I am speechless. I really hope Father Christmas brings me a system camera :)
I've enjoyed reading about your blogging journey as well as perusing your gorgeous photos. Your blog is a nice place to visit, Brett.
Oh yes blog of note you deserved that for images as stunning as this, unlike some blogs I could mention.

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