Alexandra Burke/Sausage

A weekend of highs and lows. It started out on a high, a trip out to meet a friend, have a pub lunch and some shopping. Then it was a rush to get home as it was my works do that night and I did not want to miss that.
The party was fancy dress and the bulk of the department did dress up which made for a good start, it was held at the local hockey club so the beer was very cheep, which completed all you need for a good night. So yesterdays post was in homage to my hang over and the pros and cons of partaking in strong drink. The picture was taken at the very start of the party and is part of the “1 Minute History of the World” and the reason I was the first there.
Now for the lows, Caz and me are both coming down with a cold, she was very ill yesterday, even beating me with my hang over, and I am now starting to feel the effects of it too, just in time for Christmas. Then the worst news of the lot, reality tv has taken over the Christmas pop charts, dam you Simon Cowell, Alexandra Burke media propelled rise to the top of the carts confirms the strangle hold of style over substance in the British charts, Sex pistols where are you now! Given the weeks of prime time TV coverage and miles of tabloid hype that the X factor winner gets, any single released would hit the number one spot, regardless of it quality. The individuals concerned may have started out as dedicated musicians and artist, but after weeks in the grip of Cowell and his team, they are as far removed from their start point as a sausage is from a pork chop, and about as unique.

Now playing: M People - Search For The Hero
via FoxyTunes


Ranger Faff said…
Hurrah for a voice of reason and sanity amongst all the chav-driven ubiquity of mindnumbing unoriginality!!!!!!
Vote Brett!!!!! Now!!!!!!
The only good thing to come out of it was that people are hearing the grace-filled name of Jeff Buckley - maybe for the first time. And that can ONLY be good. God rest his soul.

Surely there has to come a point where just enough people might finally realise that - a long time ago - we exercised our own choices and picked our own Christmas number ones - and maybe made other decisions too. Have we become sheep? Are we either so lazy or media-obsesssed that we blindly go along with what we're told we should buy? Rebel! Rebel now!!! Keep music live, start a band, buy a 400-year old transit van, pay your dues, buy Strat and Les Paul copies until the magical day when, with tear-filled eyes, you get your hands on the long-saved-for real thing. To paraphrase Jim Steinman and Meatloaf - 'Goddamit Simon Cowell. You know we all hate you. And you've got a hell of a lot to learn about rock and roll'.
Anonymous said…
Oooh Faff well said. Has Brett touched a nerve?
Lisa B said…
so you really do work with super heores then! ;0)

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