Free competition time again!

Free competition time again, those wonderful people at blurb have given me 3 voucher worth £30 each to give away, to help promote their latest book competition in which you could win $3,000. The book competition ends on the 22/10 so to give the winners of the vouchers time to do their books this give away ends on Friday 9th.

To enter you just need to follow one of my blogs and tell me your funniest pet, travel or family related story. If you already have a post on your blog just link to that in the comment and I will read it there.

Why have I chosen those categories well they just happen to be the themes of the books for Blurbs competition, Pets, Travel or Families, so get your thinking caps on as this competition for the £30 vouchers ends Friday.

Photo to day is of Buachaille Etive Mor taken from the road at the top of Glen Coe.

Now playing: The Soup Dragons - I'm Free (featuring Junior Reid)
via FoxyTunes


Lisa B said…
congrats on the calendar, beautiful shots :).
Just Jennifer said…
Hello whoever you are. Say hello to my spam box!!!!

Don't ever write a blog post in my comments again.
Euronics said…
thanks for the visit! nice to see beautiful shots here!
Anonymous said…
It was certainly interesting for me to read that article. Thank you for it. I like such themes and everything connected to this matter. I would like to read a bit more on that blog soon.
Anonymous said…
Keep on posting such articles. I love to read articles like that. BTW add some pics :)

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