
Back to Skye, and I wish I was going straight back, the whole reason for our journey up north was to get to the fabulous island of Skye and after 4 days of travelling we reach our destination, Carolyn’s god parents in the small village of Luib just outside of Broadford. Their house is sat right on the shore (they have seen otters playing from their windows!) and it has fantastic views down the loch, in fact the only thing to beat the location was the welcome we both got, it was like coming home.

The first thing that you realise when you start to explore Skye is that its much bigger than you think, part of this is that the roads have to go round so many large mountains and also follows the coast which very rarely goes in a straight line, so it takes forever to get any where. The other part is that there are not that many towns on the island so coupled with the long road journeys it gives the appearance of being much bigger. The second thing you notice are the mountains, again they are much bigger than you think and seem to be every where. With both of us being experienced walkers we were both very keen to get in to the mountains and made that our first priority only to be beaten by the famous Skye weather.

Skye is famous for many things, Whiskey, the famous Talisker comes from here, mountain, it has 12 Monros, wildlife, including otters and golden eagles and loads of history. But the thing that gets talked about the most is the weather and more particular the rain. Years ago we spent a week there and it rained all the time, a common thing as it is one of the wettest places in Scotland, but this time we were lucky in that we only had 1 day when it rain for just an hour, the hour was just at the point when we were deciding to head higher into the mountains and that tipped our decision not to go on. Heading into strange mountains when you can only see 10 feet ahead is not very wise, so we called it a day and came down, even then the sights we had seen had us hooked so that the rest of the time there was spent more out doors than in, although we never made it to the tops of any of the big ones, we will save them for later.

When it became time to leave we did not want to go, the whole feel of the place is different to the main land, the quality of life seems fuller and in common with all the people we met north of the boarder the people were so friendly, but leaving Harvey and Jill’s company was the hardest bit as we had been made to feel so welcome and treated like royalty, I’m still trying to lose the weight I put on.
The picture for today comes from a walk we did from the door of their house, this view is just an hours stroll from their house heading in land from the village.

Now playing: Honley Male Voice Choir et al - Skye Boat Song
via FoxyTunes


Daisy said…
So beautiful! I love Scotland so much, it must be incredible up there.
Stuning, just stunning but then I expect no less from my homeland! Glad you found the people so friendly - we are you know!
Martin Rye said…
Stunning photo. Skye has it all.
Anonymous said…
Brilliant! Glad you received a typical Scottish welcome (we are friendly folks).

When are you going back? Can I come? Can I pleeeeeeeease?
aims said…
I can see why you want to go right back!

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