Paramo, great customer service

I was not going to post today as tomorrow is Blog action day and I’ve signed up again to do a special post, but the post arrived and I had a reason to blog.

Customer service and customer satisfaction, lots of companies strive for these two, but very few manage to get any where close. For companies that compete in an area with very similar product, service and satisfaction can be the only difference between them and for those companies I would expect a lot of effort to do them right.

But what if your product is unique, the only one of its type and of a very high standard, why then should you bother to go that extra mile, I know that I would be tempted to let things slide a bit, so when I got both excellent service and satisfaction from a company that really does not have to try at all to impress me I had to let the world (or at least my small part of it) know.
As you all know I walk a lot and spend a lot of that time getting wet, I am in England so what would you expect. So for me the most important item of clothing is my waterproof jacket and after being waylaid by a very knowledgeable sales man found my self wearing a jacket made by Paramo.

Now these are not your normal waterproofs, they are soft, warm and comfortable, they are also hard wearing, very well designed and have no real competitor, so no real reason to put themselves out for the customer as the clothing does all the work for them. So imagine my surprise when we had a email saying they were running a show in our area, just a few miles from our door, basically a factory sale with out the need to visit the factory, happy days.

On getting to the show the first thing that struck me was the amount of stock, it was massive, then the staff were great, no school kids reading the label and trying to up sell you, service and getting you what you needed seemed to be the order of the day. Now I had a list of what I needed and unfortunately the smallest thing on that list was not there, replacement rubbers for my gaiters, but as soon as I enquired I was informed that if I rang them back at the office during the week they would send them out for free, I did that yesterday at 11.00 and by 9.00 today they were here. Now I needed those bits or the gaiters were useless, they are the only manufacturer, so I was pretty much a captive customer and for doing what they did I thought they need a bit of praise.

Now playing: Crowded House - Four Seasons In One Day
via FoxyTunes


Anonymous said…
Paramó rock! Couldn't agree more about their customer service. It seems they really do care. Power to them.

Top top song today, by the way. By a hugely underrated band.
Anonymous said…
Agree - Paramo have customer service down to a fine art.

P.S. Thank you for my prize :-)

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