Hello! Where are you?

Where are you all? With only 2 days left of the competition and only one entry I can see who the winner will be, its not as if it going to be that hard to find a funny post as most of you are bloggers that I read and most of you have made me laugh out loud at one time or another.

It’s a genuine prize of a £30 voucher off the cost of your own (or some one else’s) Blurb photo book, you don’t have to enter Blurbs competition, but if your book is on one of the themes then it does not hurt to have a go, so come on and have a go (the more that enter the more likely that they will do this again). Here are the details again.

Those wonderful people at blurb have given me 3 vouchers worth £30 each to give away, to help promote their latest book competition in which you could win $3,000. The book competition ends on the 22/10 so to give the winners of the vouchers time to do their books this give away ends on Friday 9th.

To enter you just need to follow one of my blogs and tell me your funniest pet, travel or family related story. If you already have a post on your blog just link to that in the comment and I will read it there.

Why have I chosen those categories well they just happen to be the themes of the books for Blurbs competition, Pets, Travel or Families, so get your thinking caps on as this competition for the £30 vouchers ends Friday.

Picture is of a cow, taken from about 30cm away, had to keep wiping the lens as it kept fogging up from the cow’s breath.

Now playing: Blur - There's No Other Way
via FoxyTunes


Anonymous said…
That's just cowstastic! He looks positively friendly!! Did you tweak his tail? :-)
Anonymous said…
Wii cheat said…
Bringing our new dog home in the car it throw up on my wife, i thought it was funny. Pet travel and family all in one.
Isunia said…
What a cute cow! I love cows and their huge, innocent eyes :)

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